ISG tokens will be issued in the Ethereum platform, under the commonly used ERC-20 standard, which is supported by most crypto-wallets. More information in ISG Whitepaper. In addition to ISG token issuing, during ICO period, it is planned to create its own ISG blockchain to ensure transactions within ISG network. Within ISG blockchain network, it is planned to create two types of tokens: ISGVALIDATOR (ISGV) and ISGSERVICE (ISGS). The owners of ISGV tokens become validators of ISG blockchain network and will receive remuneration in ISGS tokens. ISGS tokens will be used to pay for ISG communication services and for any other transactions, similar to existing BITCOIN blockchain systems, etc. Released ISG tokens will be converted to ISGV tokens at a rate of 1: 1. The need to create its own ISG blockchain is related to the expected high load on ISG network and the requirements for speed of payments. ISGS tokens will be implemented through special on-line services. ISGS tokens are planned to be implemented by ISG through cryptocurrency exchanges and special on-line services. ISG blockchain will focus on use of IoT networks and implementation of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) transactions. As a confirmation algorithms of transactions, a mixed consensus algorithm (confirmation) will be used by Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Authority.